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58% of Sites Reported by ASACP Shutdown

ASACP (Adult Sites Against Child Pornography) is the premier organization helping the adult site industry to make a difference in the battle against child pornography. We are pleased to announce that due to the efforts of ASACP and it supporters, over 58% of the 10,600 reported sites have been shut down.

Since 1999 ASACP:

  • Has received over 50,000 reports of child pornography.
  • Has reviewed the 25,800 of these sites that were unique.
  • Has reported over 10,600 sites to the FBI and U.S. Customs Bureau.
  • Has had over 58% of the reported sites shutdown by the authorities.

ASACP offers two unique advantages over alternative methods of reporting suspected child pornography:

1. ASACP, being closely involved with the adult site industry, can more knowledgeably cull through submitted reports and only pass on valid illegal sites to the authorities.

2. Adult site webmasters and the general public often feel more comfortable reporting sites to a self-regulating organization like ASACP than to governmental agencies.

The ASACP logo is proudly displayed on over 2000 adult sites that are taking a stand against child pornography. If you are interested in learning more about ASACP or helping in the fight against child pornography, please view the ASACP site (

For more information on ASACP Contact: Joan Irvine